The GRATZ & BÖHM steel hydrant 07.05.2021

Design enhances technology, as proven by designer Gerald Kiska with this iconic design which dates back to 1993 and was awarded the National Design Award.
This fire hydrant is a piece of classic design in public places. Design is the power behind innovation and competition, growth and development, productivity and affluence, as well as being an expression of our cultural heritage and diversity. Along with its focus on raising awareness of design in general, making the value of design to society and the economy clear is a core task of designaustria, Austria’s premier contact point for design.
KISKA GmbH is one of the biggest brand and design agencies in Europe, and was founded in 1990 by Gerald Kiska in Salzburg. In keeping with its motto “Designing Desire”, emotional brands are forged through cross-disciplinary processes. This includes a classic which has now been in production, practically unchanged, for almost 30 years: the GRATZ & BÖHM steel hydrant, a durable product that can last for decades and offers a high level of operational safety as all the materials used – including stainless steel and cast iron – are suitable for use with drinking water and comply with all the relevant standards. The steel hydrants are made for the Viennese company GRATZ & BÖHM by the company Metall- und Kunststofferzeugung MKE in Heidenreichstein, which offers outstanding innovation, flexibility and quality standards. (Prof. Severin Filek)
series: Design aus Österreich
value: 2.30 Euro
first day of issue: 18.06.2021
stamp size: 32.50 x 40.00 mm
graphic design: Severin Filek
printing: Joh. Enschedé Stamps B. V.
offset printing
quantity: 200,000 stamps on sheets of 50 stamps