First day and stamp presentation of the commemorative stamp "St. Wolfgang" in the sacred art series
Presentation of the commemorative stamp "1100-year anniversary of the birth of St. Wolfgang" from the series "Sacred Art" on 14 June 2024 in the community hall of the market town of St. Wolfgang.
Austrian Post honours Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg on the occasion of the jubilee year "1100-year anniversary of the birth of St. Wolfgang" with a commemorative stamp from the series "Sacred Art in Austria".
Wolfgang of Regensburg is particularly revered in the Salzkammergut region around the town of St. Wolfgang. He was probably born in 924 in southwestern Germany. He attended the cathedral school in Würzburg and initially became a teacher at the cathedral school in Trier, later becoming a Benedictine monk, priest, and finally, in 972, Bishop of Regensburg. Around 976, he spent some time as a hermit on the Falkenstein above St. Gilgen on Wolfgangsee. At that time, the lake was still called Abersee and was later named after the saint. The small pilgrimage church Falkenstein still commemorates him today. According to legend, he once threw an axe into the valley from there to mark the spot where a church should be built. Legend has it that he personally built this first church, and today the pilgrimage church of St. Wolfgang stands on that site by the lakeshore. By the 13th century at the latest, the church had already become a pilgrimage site, and today it is the destination of the pilgrimage route from Regensburg to St. Wolfgang.
Wolfgang died in 994 in Pupping, Upper Austria, and was buried in St. Emmeram's Abbey in Regensburg. He was canonised in 1052. He is depicted with a bishop's staff, a church, and sometimes also with an axe. The stamp design features a Gothic statue of Saint Wolfgang from 1480 from the baroque Schwanthaler Altar in the church of St. Wolfgang.
14 June 2024, 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Presentation at 3:00 p.m.
Municipal office, Rudi Nierlich Platz 1, 5360 St. Wolfgang
Picture presentation: © Karl Hrncir
Group picture, left to right:
Left to right: parish council Arno Perfaller, priest Simon Peter Lukyamuzi, Wilhelm Remes (President, Philately Club St. Gabriel), Renate Rebhandl (head of philately sales team, Austrian Post), dean, priest Christian Öhler (Bad Ischl), deputy mayor Josef Kogler, mayor Franz Eisl