Rate calculator formats

If you need assistance finding the right format for your item, we will be happy to help.

C5 / C6 (standard & standard plus) 

  • Min. 140 x 90 mm
  • Max. 235 x 162 x 5 mm
  • 50 g or less

Possible formats C5 / C6

A6  148 x 105 mm 
C6  162 x 114 mm 
B6  176 x 125 mm 
DL  220 x 110 mm 
C6/5  229 x 115 mm 
A5  210 x 148 mm 
C5  229 x 162 mm 

C4 (maxi) 

  • Min. 140 x 90 mm
  • Max. 324 x 229 x 20 mm
  • 500 g or less

Possible formats C4

B5  250 x 176 mm 
A4  297 x 210 mm 
C4  324 x 229 mm 

A3 (large letter) = small packet

  • Min. 140 x 90 mm
  • Max. length + width + height = 900 mm
  • Max. length 500 mm
  • 2,000 g or less

Possible formats A3

A3 / Small 420 x 297 mm 

Have you determined the correct size for your item?

Please return to the rate calculator and select the corresponding size.



Cuboid & non cuboid

  • Min. 140 x 90 mm
  • Max. length + width + height = 900 mm
  • Max. length 50 cm
  • 2,000 g or less


Cuboid & non cuboid

  • Min. 120 x 100 mm
  • Max. 100 x 60 x 60 cm
  • Max. length 100 cm *
  • 31.5  kg or less ** 


Cuboid & non cuboid

  • Fragile content and/or
  • > 100 x 60 x 60 cm length greater than 100 cm  * 31.5 kg or less**

Have you determined the correct size for your item?

Please return to the rate calculator and select the corresponding size.

*  For maximum lenghts for international items, please see shipping conditions
** For maximum weight for international items, please see shipping conditions

  • Our sizing template gives you an overview of all available letter formats.
  • If your item matches any of the sizes shown, please return to the rate calculator and select the format in question.
  • If none of the indicated sizes fits your item, you will find information about parcel formats under "Parcels".