The new Wien Museum 11.10.2023

After extensive renovation and expansion works, the Wien Museum on the edge of Resselpark at Karlsplatz has now reopened its doors.
The Historical Museum of the City of Vienna was built according to the designs of architect Oswald Haerdtl and opened in 1959. In 2013, a decision was made to refurbish and expand the museum, with the architectural competition won by the Austrian architectural team Certov, Winkler + Ruck. The historic building was renovated, and a new structure now hovers above it, providing ample space on two additional floors. The museum's forecourt has also been redesigned. Due to its enormous size of around ten metres, the legendary Prater whale was one of the first objects to move into the new museum during the construction phase. Once, it adorned a tavern in the Viennese Prater, and in 2016, the museum received it as a donation. Now, the "whale" has been named Poldi and hangs in the hall of the Wien Museum.
First day of issue: 21.11.2023
Stamp size: 40.15 x 29.75 mm
Graphic design: David Gruber
Printing: bpost Stamps Printing
Offset printing
Quantity: 190,000 stamps on sheets of 50 units each