Day of issue of the commemorative stamp "100th anniversary of Bambi (book)"
Felix Salten (1869–1945) was a hunter himself who owned his own hunting ground not far from Vienna. Apparently, the idea for "Bambi. A Life in the Woods" came to him during a hunting trip. Originally serialised in the “Neue Freie Presse” in 1922, the novel was published as a book in March 1923 and was primarily intended for adults.
What made it unique was that the protagonist was an animal threatened by humans, rather than being a threat itself. In 1933, Salten sold the film rights to his story for 1,000 US dollars. Walt Disney subsequently turned it into the animated film “Bambi” in 1942, which remains a globally renowned classic to this day. However, the tragic scenes, such as the death of Bambi's mother at the hands of a hunter, led to criticism about whether the film was suitable for children. Interestingly, in the Disney adaptation, Bambi is not a roe deer but a white-tailed deer native to America.
A reissue in 1926 turned “Bambi” into a bestseller. It was first translated into English in 1928, and over 30 other languages followed. In 1939, Felix Salten wrote a sequel, "Bambi's Children", where Bambi is the wise old roebuck who shares survival skills with his offspring.
Day of issue of the commemorative stamp "100th anniversary of Bambi"
16 September 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cumberland Wildpark Grünau, Fischerau 12, 4645 Grünau im Almtal
Group picture, left to right © Österreichische Post AG
Klaus Kramesberger (Mayor of the municipality of Grünau im Almtal), Martina Prinz (Head of Philately POS at Österreichische Post AG), Joe Mittermeier (board member of Society Friends of Cumberland Park), Johann Vielhaber (board member of Society Friends of Cumberland Park), Erwin Hofbauer (regional representative, Federation of Austrian Philately Associations) and Gottfried Blank (President, BSV Gmunden)