Day of issue of the commemorative stamp "150th anniversary of Vienna's First Mountain Spring Pipeline
For exactly 150 years, the First Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline has been supplying the federal capital with clean drinking water. Even today, it delivers more than half of Vienna's total water demand, amounting to around 62 million cubic metres annually. To commemorate this civil engineering marvel, Austrian Post is releasing a commemorative stamp.
The first copy of the new commemorative stamp was presented by Patricia Liebermann, Head of Philately at Österreichische Post AG, to Jürgen Czernohorszky, Vienna City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy, and Personnel, and Paul Hellmeier, Chief Operating Officer of Wiener Wasser. The motif of the commemorative stamp displays the filled cavern of the Rosenhügel water reservoir. This marks the endpoint of the First Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline, from where the water is fed into Vienna's pipe network. Designed by David Gruber, the commemorative stamp has a face value of 2.50 euros and has been issued in a run of 200,000 copies.
20 September 2023, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Information point/City Hall – Entrance 1, Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna
Group picture, left to right:
Paul Hellmeier, COO, Wiener Wasser, Patricia Liebermann, Head of Philately, Österreichische Post AG, Jürgen Czernohorszky, Vienna City Councillor for Climate, Environment, Democracy, and Personnel
Pictures: © PID/Votava