Enjoy a relaxing vacation while we take care of your mail with our vacation hold mail service.
While you are gone on vacation, we will safely hold your mail for you. After you return, you can either pick it up or have it delivered.

- Click on Set up vacation hold mail or come see us at your local Österreichische Post branch/Post Partner.
- Set up your vacation hold mail no later than three days before you start your vacation.
- Define the address and the persons whose mail you would like us to hold.
- Select the types of items that you would like us to hold for you.
- Select the delivery option after your vacation hold mail service ends. You can either have all items conveniently delivered to your home or pick them up at your local postal branch.
Vacation hold mail | Rate in EUR | |
Net | Gross | |
1 week | 12,42 | 14,90 |
2 weeks | 14.08 | 16.90 |
4 weeks | 18.25 | 21.90 |
Additional services | Rates in EUR | |
Net | Gross | |
Delivery on day and time of your choice | 14.16 | 17.00 |