Day of issue of the commemorative stamp "Ingeborg Bachmann" in the "Literature from Austria" series

Ingeborg Bachmann is one of the most renowned German-language writers of the 20th century and is thus a fitting choice to kick off this series.

This year also marks the 50th anniversary of her death. She passed away in 1973 in Rome. Born in Klagenfurt in 1926, she studied philosophy, psychology, German literature, and law. During her student years, she published her first stories. In 1963, she was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, and in 1964, Ingeborg Bachmann was awarded the Georg Büchner Prize, the most prestigious literary award in the German-speaking world.

Out of love for the writer Max Frisch, Bachmann moved in the late 50s and lived alternately in Zurich and Rome. The end of their relationship in the early 60s took a heavy emotional toll on her. Bachmann struggled with alcoholism and drug dependency. She died in Rome in 1973 following a fire caused by a cigarette.

Her most renowned literary works include the novel "Malina" and the radio play "The Good God of Manhattan". She also left an extensive correspondence with Paul Celan, with whom she had a close connection, as well as the recently published one with the love of her life, Max Frisch. Through her poems, stories, novel projects, radio plays, and essays, she created a unique, multifaceted body of work that remains as captivating and high-quality today as ever.

Since 1977, in her honour, the Ingeborg Bachmann Prize has been awarded annually at the "Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur" (Days of German-Language Literature) competition in Klagenfurt. The prize is one of the most renowned literary honours in the German-speaking realm.

If you wish to delve deeper into Ingeborg Bachmann's life and work, you have until the 5 November 2023 to view the exhibition at the Literature Museum titled "Ingeborg Bachmann: A Homage". Or, if you happen to be in Klagenfurt, consider visiting the Ingeborg Bachmann Museum.


Day of issue of the commemorative stamp "Literature from Austria, Ingeborg Bachmann"

11 October 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Verband Österreichischer Philatelistenvereine/Federation of Austrian Philately Associations, Getreidemarkt 1, 1060 Vienna

Group picture, left to right:
Helmut Kogler (President, VÖPh), Kornelia Hochreiter (Philately POS East), Roland Vorlaufer (stamp designer)
Pictures: © Österreichische Post AG

First day Bachmann
First day Bachmann