Lead management Success-oriented, quantifiable, and direct

Do you think that different advertising channels are impossible to compare? This is exactly what we do: for our multichannel campaigns, we compare performance based on CPC, CPL, CPO, and the quality of acquired lead addresses. We quantify all media channels, both online and offline and in real time!

Try a test run for different media channels and copy to identify the top performer in just a few days. You can also calculate forecasts for the campaign's success which will allow you to make the right decisions.

Dialogue process explained

Dialogue programmes with an added value

What are the members of your loyalty club getting for their birthday? A special birthday discount just like from other businesses? And yet, this would be a great opportunity to make customised gifts to further increase your custuomers' loyalty.

Leverage the potential of digitalisation for a multi-tiered dialogue focused on the most special day of the year. Let your clients decide for themselves which coupon or gift they prefer.

Read our brochure to find out how this can work.

Dialogue process

We will keep the initial expense for the technical infrastructure as low as possible. After all, the higher the reach, the better the result will be. Which is why we use the full range of available media channels, both offline and online, including social media, Search, etc. The choice of channels we use will exclusively depend on the expected customer value and the target audience.

Is your focus going to be local, regional, national, or international? Whatever you choose, we are flexible. While this decision is usually an easy one, defining the right target audience takes more time and effort. Let our experts help you define the right target audience for you.

It is tempting and oftentimes sensible to focus on generating response online only. And yet, if the customer value is high or if the target audience is narrow, you should also consider using traditional response cards. Our business partner Scanpoint can digitise response cards and forms on the day they are received and integrate them into your campaign database.

Who has reacted? Which participants are potential new clients? What information was collected during the campaign that will allow for customised and relevant follow-ups?

When your clients think that the campaign is over, why not surprise them by thanking them for their participation or sending consolation prizes to those who didn't win? Create a different variation for every target audience or user information. This will increase your conversion rate and ultimately your campaign's success.

People participating in the campaign will typically give you their e-mail address and the permission to use it. Therefore, it would make sense to include e-mail communication in your campaign planning process. These e-mails can be participation confirmations, direct mailing announcements, or reminders. Contact frequency is key.

Whether it is participants in your prize draw or survey or people placing orders from your catalogue: at the end of the day, your goal is to sell. And all previous activities should support this goal. Information that we collect during the ongoing dialogue will be used for customisation and follow-up purposes. This will make your communication more relevant for receivers, which will in turn make them more likely to buy.


If you have any questions about our products or if you would like to receive a non-binding quote, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

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