
Georg Pölzl, Chairman of the Management Board (CEO)

Georg Pölzl has been Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer of Austrian Post since 1 October 2009. In this position, he is pursuing a consistent, economic and service-orientated path to successfully keep Austrian Post on course in a highly competitive market and position it as an innovative pioneer for the future.

Based on its strong position in its home market of Austria, Austrian Post's strategy is centred on the following cornerstones: Defending market leadership and profitability in the core business, profitable growth in nearby markets and expanding the branch network and digital offering for private customers and SME. At the centre of the integrated corporate strategy is the focus on sustainability, diversity and customer orientation as the guiding principle for all activities.

Under Georg Pölzl, Austrian Post has collaboratively developed a new mission statement for its corporate culture. The values of joy, performance and purpose contribute to the sense of unity within the company.

Georg Pölzl's Management Board responsibilities include Corporate Communications & Customer Relations, Human Resources Management, Investor Relations, Corporate Audit & Compliance, Group Strategy, Digital & Innovation and Branch Offices. Georg Pölzl is also a member of the Supervisory Board of bank99.

Area Of Responsibility

Walter Oblin, Deputy CEO, Mail & Finance (CFO)

Walter Oblin has been Chief Financial Officer of Austrian Post since 1 July 2012 and Deputy CEO since 1 January 2019. He is also responsible for the Mail Division. His responsibilities as a Management Board Member include Group Accounting & Controlling, Group Real Estate, Group IT & Procurement as well as Group Legal, all of which are key management and service functions. Walter Oblin is also Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of bank99.

The Supervisory Board of Austrian Post appointed Walter Oblin as Chairman of the Management Board and CEO with effect from 1 October 2024.

Area Of Responsibility

Peter Umundum, Member of the Management Board, Parcels & Logistics (COO)

Peter Umundum joined Austrian Post in 2005 as a co-director of the Mail Division. Since 1 April 2011, he has been responsible for the Parcel & Logistics Division, which operates with its own companies in a total of twelve countries and has around 20,000 employees. Peter Umundum also took over the chairmanship of the advisory board of the European transport network EURODIS. Since 1 January 2019, he has been responsible for the entire logistics of all mail and parcel products. His Management Board responsibilities include the areas of Distribution, Logistics Centres & Transport, Strategic Network Planning & Management, Group Fleet, Parcel Austria, CEE Parcel & Türkiye, which bundle central operational tasks of production and sales. The Logistics Solutions Division unit national subsidiaries along the logistics value chain, such as Post Systemlogistik, Post Wertlogistik, ACL advanced commerce labs and Medien.Zustell GmbH. Peter Umundum is also responsible for the international parcel subsidiaries in CEE/SEE, Türkiye and Azerbaijan. 

In his role, he also acts as a link to the logistics industry with strategic functions in ZVL (Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik), VNL (Verein Netzwerk Logistik) and BVL (Bundesvereinigung Logistik Österreich).

Area Of Responsibility

Management board:
Georg Pölzl, Chairman of the Management Board (CEO)
Walter Oblin, Deputy CEO, Mail & Finance (CFO)
Peter Umundum, Member of the Management Board, Parcels & Logistics (COO)

Supervisory Board:

Shareholder representatives
Elisabeth Stadler, Chair
Stefan Fürnsinn, Deputy Chair
Huberta Gheneff
Felicia Kölliker
Peter E. Kruse
Bernhard Spalt, Financial Expert
Christiane Wenckheim
Maria Zesch

Employee representatives
Ulrike Ernstbrunner
Richard Köhler
Andreas Rindler
Andreas Schieder